Your Generation & Diversity Experts

Content Overview
The course curriculum focuses on bias self-awareness, learning, idea generation, and action planning. Attendees will be offered a highly relevant and safe learning environment through course content and Q & A discussing current work challenges with the Hispanic workforce.
Organized module delivery is combined with participant group discussion regarding key business challenges.
Module 1: Generations in the Workplace
- Defining biases, understanding biases, and self-evaluation.
- Hispanization of America – Learn recent demographic data, cultural and workplace norms, and how your corporation can best employ this vital information to build a better workplace.
- Hispanic vs Latino? Which is correct? Learn about cultural and generational differences between Hispanic people and their preferences for defining themselves.
Module 2: Generations Defined vs. Hispanic Generations
- Description of the five generations, key dates, percentage of the workforce, and their differences.
- Learn crucial differences between the four generations within our current workforce, how they view and relate to each other, and how, as employers and leaders, you can build the most productive and inclusive work environment around the strengths each group brings to the workforce.
- Discover key Latino generational values.
- Latin X Millennials and Gen Z values: learn how Latin X Millennials and Gen Z apply their personal values to the workplace and the qualities they seek in employers.
Module 3: LatinX Millennial and Gen Z Expectations of Employers
- Learn the traits of prospective employers that Latin X Millennials and Gen Z consider most essential.
- Discover how to foster an environment of teamwork and trust with Latin X Millennials and Gen Z.
Module 4: Recruitment Strategies for LatinX Millennials and Gen Z
- Discover optimal strategies for attracting and retaining Latin X workers of differing generations and educational levels.
- Learn how these methods can significantly reduce your company’s hiring costs while creating a more inclusive and productive atmosphere.
Module 5: Cultural Considerations of LatinX Millennials and Gen Z
- Develop a strong understanding of essential values within the Latin culture and among its Generation Y and Generation Z ranks.
- Learn how to effectively and considerately manage these considerations in key workplace situations, such as performance review.
Module 6: Conflict Strategies for the LatinX Millennials and Gen Z
- Effectively handling workplace conflicts for Latin X Millennials and Gen Z means paying careful consideration to both their generational and cultural values.
- Learn the ways to successfully manage such situations with respect to both categories.
Module 7: Performance Strategies for the LatinX Millennials and Gen Z
- As members of Generation Y and Gen Z are often as connected to their technology as they are to their own families and friends!
- Uncover ways to connect to this group and what is important to them and to utilize their strengths to foster a better and more productive work environment.
Module 8: Rewards and Motivation Techniques
- Learn how to reward LatinX employees for excellent performance and build the framework for future development by taking a personal approach that extends to their family lives and allows them to put into practice their personal values within the workplace.
- Discover which benefits and opportunities are of the greatest importance to Latin X employees and how your company can grow from offering such incentives.
Module 9: Overcoming Communication Barriers
- Understand what motivates LatinX workers and what they prioritize in their work and lives.
- Learn communication and training practices that align with the mores and habits of your Latin employees and that will motivate and empower –rather than alienate–them.
Module 10: Strategies and Inclusion Plans
- Strategies and action plans for inclusion and engagement.
- Providing a means to enhance the professional and personal development of Latin workers is highly beneficial to companies seeking to develop a more inclusive and engaging work environment.
- Learn how to build a better workplace by providing outlets for the educational and cultural development of your Latin employees.