800-254-8505 diann@diannsanchez.com
Four 21st Century Global Forces Changing Business Trends

Four 21st Century Global Forces Changing Business Trends

Resetting Intuition

Many past assumptions, tendencies, and habits that had long proved so reliable have suddenly lost much of their importance. That is partly because intuition still determines much of our decision making. Our intuition has been formed by a set of experiences and ideas about how things worked during a time when changes were incremental and somewhat predictable. If we look at the world through a rearview mirror and make decisions on the basis of the intuition built on our experience, we could be wrong. In the 21st century, executives, policy makers, and individuals all need to scrutinize their intuitions and boldly reset them if necessary. This is especially true for organizations that have enjoyed great success. There is an urgent imperative to adjust to these new realities.

SHRM Essentials of HR Management Class – Oct. 15-16, 2015

SHRM Essentials of HR Management Class – Oct. 15-16, 2015

Learn the basics of Human Resource Management to improve valuable on-the-job effectiveness, protect your business from needless litigation and advance your career.

Topics include:

  • HR Management
  • Employment Law
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Performance Management

Tuition includes a printed workbook, application activities, and access to SHRM Online Resource Center. 

Most companies pay for this course through tuition assistance or professional budgets.  Ask your employer if you qualify.

Credentials in Detail: After completing this course, you will receive 1.5 CEUs.

Register for the SHRM Essentials® of HR Management course.

Talking HR with Lawmakers

Talking HR with Lawmakers

SHRM’s A-Team Volunteers Talking HR with Lawmakers this August, Advancing the Profession on Key Workplace IssuesThis month, members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate are back home in their states and districts for the annual August congressional recess,...
What do 2016 Merit Increases Look Like? Survey says…

What do 2016 Merit Increases Look Like? Survey says…

Newly released results from World at Work 2015-2016 Salary Budget Survey says that employers are using market-based increases. Salary Budgets will rise 3.1% for 2016 according to the World at Work survey.The survey shows employers continue to differentiate pay...
What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?

What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?

Many managers and employees use the terms coaching and mentoring in the same breathe yet they are very different. In the 21st century workplace, both are imperative to support employee development and engagement. Below are the top 5 differences between coaching and...