800-254-8505 diann@diannsanchez.com
4 Millennial Facts Everyone Should Know!

4 Millennial Facts Everyone Should Know!

Fact #1. They will soon be the majority of the U.S. workforce–a huge generation! Fact #2. Millennials will be 75% of the workforce by 2025 or 2030. Fact #3. Millennials are an educated generation. Fact #4. Millennials possess STEM Skills. Source: By Josh Zumbrun, Nov....
What is IntraPreneurship?

What is IntraPreneurship?

IntraPreneurship is the act of behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. Companies are beginning to create opportunities for their employees to develop their intrapreneurial ideas. Here are some examples of this concept: Google allows...
Client Testimonial: Terry Thomas

Client Testimonial: Terry Thomas

Dr. Sanchez gets my highest recommendation I can give, because of her commitment to furthering the human resources profession and dedication to leading others. I had worked closely with Dr. Sanchez at DFW Airport for over a year and can attest to her outstanding...
Love And Office Don’t Always Go Together Heartily

Love And Office Don’t Always Go Together Heartily

By Steve Watkins, For Investor’s Business Daily. Valentine’s Day is a time for love, and love happens for co-workers just as it does for anyone else. People spend more time at work than anywhere else, so romances are bound to crop up. Rather than prohibit...